
For over 40 years, I have been thankful to serve our community with logical, reasoned, commonsense, successful solutions at the local, county and state levels. These experiences enable me to assist the people of Okaloosa County with energy, wisdom and most importantly, positive results for you. I will continue to…

  • Defend the sanctity of life and the rights of our unborn children
  • I will always defend our Second Amendment rights & support the immediate repeal of the ill-conceived “Red Flag Law”
  • I will faithfully protect our military missions and proudly assist military and veteran families as demonstrated by the T. Patt Maney Veterans Treatment Intervention Act, passed by the Florida Legislature
  • Address our increasing traffic needs and promote practical, real-world solutions to transportation problems
  • Work to improve K-12 education to prepare working families for jobs of the future
  • Help mid-career employees advance in technical jobs of the future through Tallahassee-funded continued-education programs and workforce development
  • Continue to help all working families address mental health issues